Abilitas Code of Professional Ethics
We, Abilitas executive consultants, employees and partners, are aware of the importance of management and organizations in modern life.
We are also aware on a personal level of our responsibility to society. In the practice of our profession, we must take into consideration managerial advances and the general guidelines imposed by professional ethics and civilized society.
We respect professional rights and the dignity of our clients, partners and their personnel.
We pledge ourselves to observe the following rules, and to strive to see them put into application:
- We shall defend the legitimate interests of our clients to the best of our ability and according to the highest professional standards.
- We shall maintain, while acting in the capacity of executive consultants, employees or partners, the strictest objectivity, even if our own interests should suffer thereby.
- We shall be bound by professional secrecy as to the affairs of Abilitas and its clients.
- We shall maintain the dignity our profession demands. We shall perform no dishonorable actions. And in every country we shall observe the rules of professional behavior.
- We shall accept no commissions or any non-contractual benefits from contractors, suppliers or competitors while acting as an Abilitas executive consultant, employee or partner. We shall operate entirely independently in respect of every enterprise involving our own interests. If personal ties exist, the principal whose agreement is held in reserve must be given sufficient advance notification.
In all matters relating to Abilitas and its clients, we shall strive to advance their development and provide constructive self-criticism.